Life Coaching

online and face-to-face sessions

With Alycia Davies, an accredited breathwork facilitator, yoga teacher and somatic EMDR therapist.

Choose your level of commitment

Goals & Clarity Program

Do you need help with your path in life? Our 8 week program is designed to help you gain clarity, set meaningful goals, and take actionable steps towards achieving them. With personalised guidance and support, you'll uncover your true desires and map a clear roadmap for success.

@$250 week

( total $2000)


Positive Habits Program

Ready to break free from old patterns and cultivate positive habits that support your growth and well-being? Through proven techniques and accountability, Alycia will help you build habits in 12 weeks that align with your values and propel you towards a life of fulfilment and happiness.

@$230 week

(total $2760)


Lasting Change Program

Are you ready to level up and design a life that genuinely reflects who you are and what you want? This 16 week program offers strategic guidance and support to help you unleash your full potential. We'll work together to create a roadmap for success and make your dreams a reality.

@$200 week

(total $3,200)


Meet your coach

Alycia offers a personalised approach through her unique blend of training in somatic healing, EMDR, breathwork, and meditation. Her holistic approach integrates ancient wisdom with modern techniques to guide you towards a profound state of balance and harmony.

Learn More

Wondering if coaching is right for you?

Take a peek at the following questions…

Do you compassionately speak to yourself?

Do you feel confident using mindfulness techniques in your everyday life?

When you experience vulnerable emotions, do you process them in helpful ways?

Do you communicate assertively and have a strong sense of self-esteem?

Do you have an effective stress management plan?

If you answered “no” to any of those questions, let’s change it to an enthusiastic...


I’m here to help you feel empowered, mindful, confident and clear.

The Process

  • Step 1. Getting to know you

    Once you have purchased a coaching container, you will be prompted to fill out a Mindful Babes questionnaire. This is designed so I can get to know your expectations and desires, saving us time in our first session together so we can dive straight into it!

  • Step 2. Unpacking

    Over our first few sessions together, we will be working closely on where you are now and how we can get to where you WANT to be. This is the part of your shadow where we unpack triggers, insecurities, limiting beliefs, and inherited beliefs and unblock anything within you standing between you and your goals. Everyone is different and that is why this process is approached in respect to what works best for you.

  • Step 3. Foundation Activation

    Once you feel ready to move on from the unpacking stage, you move on to manifesting your dream life into reality with goal setting, habit forming and getting comfortable with change. At the end of this stage, you can expect to leave the container with a wealth of tools and techniques as a foundation to continue implementing into your own life.

Wait.. there is more

During our time together, you’ll discover specific strategies to help you overcome challenges. I’ll share some of my personal favourite resources, like books and apps. You’ll set SMART goals and powerful intentions.

It can be a lot to try and remember!

So, after our session,
you’ll receive a wrap-up email from me with allll the important details – the goals you set, the online resources to explore, the mindfulness techniques we covered…

All there and waiting for you to dive straight in.


Sound great? Let's get you booked in! I'm so excited to work with you!

Choose your level of commitment

Goals & Clarity Program

Do you need help with your path in life? Our 8 week program is designed to help you gain clarity, set meaningful goals, and take actionable steps towards achieving them. With personalised guidance and support, you'll uncover your true desires and map a clear roadmap for success.

@$250 week

( total $2000)


Positive Habits Program

Ready to break free from old patterns and cultivate positive habits that support your growth and well-being? Through proven techniques and accountability, Alycia will help you build habits in 12 weeks that align with your values and propel you towards a life of fulfilment and happiness.

@$230 week

(total $2760)


Lasting Change Program

Are you ready to level up and design a life that genuinely reflects who you are and what you want? This 16 week program offers strategic guidance and support to help you unleash your full potential. We'll work together to create a roadmap for success and make your dreams a reality.

@$200 week

(total $3,200)



  • Life coaching is an umbrella term for coaches that help counsel and encourage clients through challenges. Coaches can specialise in a niche such as relationships, mindset, career and the list goes on.

    When comparing life coaching to therapy, here are some key differences:

    • Life coaches serve as guides through various aspects of your life

    • Coaching is focused on personal growth and professional development

    • Coaching focuses on achieving goals, behavior changes, shifting perspectives, and overall self-improvement

    • Coaches can help you improve your physical health, emotional well-being, and financial wellness

    • Coaching is not mental health treatment or clinical care

    • Alycia focuses on sustainable, behavior changes rooted in positive psychology and somatic healing

  • Shadow work is a technique designed to help you uncover parts of yourself that you may have pushed in the dark or repressed by doing things like emotional processing, soul work and shadow work. A psychological technique designed to help individuals gain greater emotional intelligence at a subconscious level.

    Shadow work is an essential part of self-awareness and self-acceptance. It often involves releasing emotional pain from your past and discovering the parts of yourself you've been hiding from yourself and others.

    You can 100% begin your shadow work journey alone —-> Click here to learn how

    What it involves:

    1. Identifying habits and patterns (good & Bad)

    2. Identify Triggers

    3. Bringing awareness to projection

    4. Exploration of childhood and healing your inner child

    5. Identification and separation of individual and inherited beliefs

    6. Letting go of shame and embracing full self

  • Mindfulness coaching is a holistic approach to providing help/guidance to people seeking external assistance in reaching goals and healing. In essence, mindfulness coaches guide clients on how to live mindfully, which may look slightly different among individual coaches. A good coach will assess your goals to create structured sessions aligned with your needs.

    Alycia Davies uses a combination of mindfulness practices such as; breathwork, guided meditation, journaling & conscious movement, shadow work and self-love techniques derived from science-based research.

    If you are seeking medical advice, always seek out a qualified clinical psychologist or GP, coaching is not a medical field. Your intuition will guide you towards the right coach for you.

    TIP: Always read the terms and conditions before purchasing any coaching container, as this is where the fluff is discarded and the facts are provided.

  • Although there may be some overlap in the benefits of working with a life coach and participating in psychotherapy with a licensed therapist, these professionals have distinct roles and serve unique purposes.

    Unlike life coaches, therapists and other mental health professionals focus on healing, treating mental health conditions, and helping people work through trauma and other issues from their past. While working with a life coach may help you to deal with certain unresolved issues, life coaches cannot treat mood disorders, anxiety disorders, addiction, or any other mental health condition.

    A life/mindfulness coach is there to help guide you through challenges, change and overall improve your wellbeing through bringing a new perspective.

    Working with a mindfulness coach, Is like having a cheerleader that provides educated, un-bias advice and tools on how to improve your life. Whilst identifying the barriers and working with you to move through them.

  • If you want to pursue this path, it is best to focus on a niche you are passionate about and begin there by sourcing accredited courses that will give you knowledge within this space. It is recommended to receive coaching to learn from experience as a client, gather what you like and leave the rest. The ICF and Mindfulness Institute Australia monitor the field of mindfulness training, unlike other fields within the holistic wellness space. This is why I chose the path of mindfulness as my niche, to ensure I was providing monitored training and resources.

    Fields you can specialise in Shadow Work, Inner Goddess Activation, Holotropic Breathwork, Counselling, Psychology, Neuroscience, Sound Healing, Human Design etc.

    Learning about each field and gaining a basic understanding of each will heavily benefit you as a practitioner and allow you to expand constantly within the field.